Monday, May 11, 2009


1. Discuss how in the 19th century photography was utilised to construct notions of social and cultural identity. Examine a more contemporary example of portraiture that has a resonance with these earlier practices.

2. Why was photography so successfully incorporated into forms of institutional control in the 19th century? What contemporary resonances may stem from the incorporation of photography into institutional scientific and/or artistic discourses?

3. Discuss the relationship that the photographic medium has had with war and conflict (you may find it useful to compare and contrast particular conflicts or photographers work). What factors have influenced the ways in which photographers have produced images in relation to war?

4. Explore the reasons for the enduring power of documentary photography in its examination of a chosen issue/subject (you are encouraged to examine a range of factors and include recourse to the histories of documentary photography).

5. Discuss how and why photographers utilising the medium for artistic purposes have utilised story telling and allegory into their work.

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